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Design strength

01.Gear mold design

Micro gears are different from the traditional plastic mold design. The gear tooth thickness, modulus, and pressure angle need to be modified with empirical data, and cannot be processed directly according to the shrinkage rate:

Based on the company’s years of experience, the company has independently developed a cavity parameterized calculation software for plastic gear molds. This software can directly generate gear contours for gear modification and improve tooth profile accuracy. The tooth profile generated by the software can be used for wire cutting machines and The use of electrical discharge machining improves the precision of mold processing.

02.Mold flow analysis

Materials graduate students with mold flow analysis experience are engaged in mold flow analysis

Can predict product deformation, shrinkage, lack of glue, air trapping and other defects, and provide corresponding solutions

Can be used to compare different design schemes and choose a better scheme

Optimize molding process parameters and improve mold trial efficiency

03.Electromagnetic simulation technology

Electromagnetic simulation technologyCan solve a variety of electromagnetic problems from static to dynamic, from low frequency to high frequency;
Electromagnetic simulation technology

Electromagnetic simulation can visually display the basic performance parameters and functions of the designed motor such as electromagnetic force, torque, inductance, and capacitance;

Electromagnetic simulation technologyThe electromagnetic policy results are compared with the actual verification results.
04.Comprehensive platform for gearbox design

The comprehensive gearbox design platform of Globalwind's independent intellectual property rights can realize the automatic parameter design, tooth profile drawing and 3D modeling of involute planetary gear systems, bevel gears, face gears and other mechanisms.

The characteristics of the design platform areScheme design, structure design, tooth profile design, simulation analysisFeatures。

Involute gear mechanismNon-involute gear mechanism
Tooth shape design and 3D modelingParameter optimization and verification
Cylindrical gear modeling platformngw Planetary systemngwn Planetary systemnw Planetary systemPlanetary system gearing platformParallel shaft gear pair calculationGear pair force checkTransmission efficiency calculation
Cycloidal transmission mechanism designStraight bevel gear pair design platformSpiral bevel gear pair design platformFace Gear Transmission Pair Design Platform
Figure 2. Gear design module framework
Gearbox design platform features

It has distinct characteristics in terms of distribution of displacement coefficient, optimization calculation of meshing angle, slip rate and coincidence degree check. Optimizing the modification coefficient and checking the interference of planetary gear teeth can prevent and improve the efficiency, noise, life and other technical problems of the gearbox. At the same time, finite element analysis is used to analyze and check the tooth surface strength of spiral teeth and bevel gears to improve product reliability.

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直齿圆锥齿轮副齿廓修形及建模Figure 1. Tooth profile modification and modeling of spur bevel gear pair

渐开线齿轮行星系统变位系数优化分配和行星齿轮齿干涉校验Figure 3. Optimal distribution of modification coefficients of involute gear planetary system and verification of planetary gear teeth interference