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Technical strength


01.Dynamic simulation and finite element analysis

In the design stage of gears and gearboxes, kinematics simulation is used to verify the smoothness and local interference of the gear pair movement.

  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
双斜齿行星机构运动学仿真Kinematics Simulation of Double Helical Planetary Mechanism
修形圆柱齿轮齿面应力分析Stress Analysis on Tooth Surface of Modified Cylindrical Gear

At the same time, finite element analysis technology is used to analyze the tooth surface strength of spiral teeth and bevel gears to verify the reliability of the product.

  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen Global Wind Industry Co., Ltd

02.Cavity pressure technology

Cavity pressure technology is to install a pressure sensor in the mold cavity. The pressure curve can detect the change of cavity pressure during the injection molding process, reflect the injection molding process, and monitor product quality.

Using cavity pressure technology, the matching of cavity pressure curve templates can be quickly realized, and the injection molding process can be repeated to improve product quality;

By monitoring the comprehensive analysis of the cavity pressure peak and curve, the quality status of the product can be judged, and the servo manipulator can realize the automatic separation of defective molded products;

  • 型腔压力传感器安装图Cavity pressure sensor installation diagram
  • 型腔压力加测图Cavity pressure test map
  • 型腔压力监控Cavity pressure monitoring

03.Application of MES system

In order to better monitor the production status and process curve, the injection molding production MES system has been introduced. The MES system can realize the remote monitoring of the injection molding process and the management of the injection process.
